Commitment to Accessibility:

At Axomamma, we believe in inclusivity and strive to provide a website that is usable by all people, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Accessibility is an integral part of our mission and values.

Measures to Support Accessibility:

Axomamma takes the following measures to ensure the accessibility of our website:

Mission Alignment: Include accessibility as part of our mission statement.

Policy Integration: Include accessibility throughout our internal policies.

Procurement Practices: Integrate accessibility into our procurement practices.

Accessibility Leadership: Appoint an accessibility officer and/or ombudsperson.

Training: Provide continual accessibility training for our staff.

Responsibility & Goals: Assign clear accessibility goals and responsibilities.

Quality Assurance: Employ formal accessibility quality assurance methods.


Accessibility Features:

We have implemented a variety of features to make our website more accessible. These include:

Text alternatives for non-text content.

Options to adjust text size and contrast.

ARIA attributes to improve navigation for screen readers.

Keyboard navigation support for all functionalities.

Closed captions for videos.

Continuous Improvement:

Accessibility is an ongoing effort at Axomamma. We actively work to assess and address potential accessibility issues and welcome feedback and suggestions.

Contact Us:

If you experience any difficulties in accessing any part of this website, or if you have any suggestions for improving the accessibility of our site, please contact us at:



Phone: +1 (289) 259-3410


Accessibility Standards:

Our website aims to conform to Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, recognized as the international standard measure of success.

Last Updated:

This statement was last updated on 1 Sept 2023